Sharpnack Chevrolet Buick

How Often Should You Change Your Spark Plugs?

We've all been there, wondering when to replace spark plugs. We know they don't last forever, but how often should you get them switched out? The answer isn't as straightforward as one might think; several variables come into play here. Your vehicle manufacturer will provide their specific recommendations, and the performance-related factors must also be considered. To help make your decision easier, let's take a closer look at the different elements involved in this process.

Spark Plugs: What Do They Do?

Engines need three essential components to power combustion: air, fuel, and a spark. Spark plugs provide that spark by sending an electrical surge into the cylinder when air and fuel have entered the chamber. This ignites the mixture of air and fuel, resulting in a powerful force that drives down on the piston to complete combustion.

Most cars usually feature at least as many spark plugs as cylinders. However, some vehicles employ dual-spark technology, doubling up on each plug per cylinder for improved ignition accuracy and enhanced performance. The electrode material can be either copper or more advanced iridium/platinum metals, which offer increased reliability and greater precision with every spark created.

Why Do Spark Plugs Go Bad?

It's a real challenge to tell when your spark plugs start going bad without taking them out for a close inspection. Nevertheless, there are some signs you can look out for that will give you an idea of impending issues. If your car is having difficulty starting up or won't even turn over, or the engine runs unevenly, pings and knocks on acceleration. Performance drops off - these could all be indicators of trouble with your spark plugs. Your fuel efficiency might fall, so keep an eye out! Of course, if the "check engine light is on," call us for help!

So what causes this kind of damage? Heavy oil and gasoline residues clouding around the spark plug can prevent it from sparking effectively; incorrectly gapped plugs also reduce power output, leading to additional problems like knocking/pinging sounds. A dead spark plug means misfiring occurs, which consequently harms other parts in the process - plus, physical contact between cylinder walls and sparks can cause bits of metal to break away, leading to catastrophic failure down the lineā€¦

To ensure longevity, regular oil changes help protect against deposits building up around where they're located. Always double-check gap measurements before fitting new ones (as most come pre-gapped). You'll keep max performance levels while minimizing potential long-term damage. Count on the experts to help you!

You Need To Change Your Spark Plugs

You're probably asking yourself, "Is it worth the effort to replace my spark plugs?" The answer is a resounding yes! Not only are spark plugs essential for your engine's functioning but leaving the same set in too long could cause severe damage. Plus, you'll see an improvement in how your car starts and drives with new ones. On top of that, having updated spark plugs can help keep emissions levels low - something that any driver living under strict vehicle emission standards will appreciate greatly.

So why wait? Don't let old spark plugs drag down your engine performance or put you at risk of failing emission tests; make sure to swap them out regularly for optimal results!

How Long Do They Last?

So, how often should you change your spark plugs? It's a question with no definitive answer - it all depends on the type of spark plug used in your vehicle. Standard copper and nickel-based models need to be changed every 30,000 to 50,000 miles unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer. On the other hand, platinum or iridium spark plugs may last as long as 60,000-150,000 miles before they require replacement.

Ready To Change Your Spark Plugs: Call Sharpnack Chevrolet Buick Today

Do you think something is wrong with your spark plugs? At Sharpnack Chevrolet Buick, we are here to help you. Give us a call today to schedule your next service appointment!